Welland Canal
Lake Boats
Mapleglen - 1960
Mapleglen is one of a group of Canadian straight deckers (no self unloading gear),
which spend most of the year in layup, only emerging for the fall grain rush.
The similar Canadian Provider was upbound just before Mapleglen.
Since these boats spend substantial time in saltwater in the St. Lawrence,
they rust quickly, and have a much shorter lifespan than US boats,
which remain exclusively in fresh water.
These semi-salties will tend to rust from the inside,
since they frequently carry saltwater in their ballast tanks.
Mapleglen upbound in Lock 7, Welland Canal - 2002
Departing the lock, boats apply substantial power, in order to get steerageway quickly.
The safety cable is visible in the propwash.
This cable protects the lock gates from a runaway boat.
The safety cable is placed and removed for each passage by the yellow boom.
Boat Links
Lyman Burk & Associates has developed a sophisticated GPS system
for precise positioning of dredges.
Copyright 2002 North East Systems